In compliance with the provisions of the law, the following legal aspects are reported:
Identification of the website:
Responsible for the website: Artificial Intelligence Video Experts S.L.
CIF: B-42790444
Registered Address: Calle Lugano Nº34, Robledo de Chavela. CP:28294. Madrid
Contact: Phone: +34 910606471; Email:
Registration details in the commercial register: número 1, tomo 41.174, folio 70, sección GNE, hoja 730000.
1.- Premilinary Considerations
These legal conditions regulate the legal use of this website, which is legally responsible for AI-VIDEX, Artificial Intelligence Video Experts S.L. hereinafter referred to as AI-VIDEX. These general conditions regulate the access and use that the owner of the website makes freely available to Internet users. Access to it implies acceptance without reservation. The mere use of the website, as well as requesting information or issuing an order, implies full acceptance of these conditions.
2.- Use of the Website
The User undertakes to use the website, the Services and the Contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from: deleting, evading or manipulating the copyright and other data identifying the rights of its owners incorporated into the Contents, as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that may contain the Contents.
3.- Intellectual and Industrial Property
The texts, images, logos, distinctive signs, sounds, animations, videos, source code and other contents included in this website are the property of AI-VIDEX, or have the right to use and exploit them, as the case may be, and are therefore protected by current intellectual and industrial property legislation.
Any transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, in whole or in part, of the contents stored on this website is expressly prohibited except with the prior and express consent of the owner. However, users may carry out the reproduction or storage of the contents of the website for their exclusive personal use, and the reproduction of elements or contents of this website, made for profit or commercial purposes, is expressly and strictly prohibited.
4.- Responsability for Links
The company responsible for the website declines any responsibility for the services and/or information provided on other websites linked to this website. In the case of links to third party sites, the user will be governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the new website. AI-VIDEX cannot permanently and continuously review the legality of the contents of the linked websites, so in the event that the user detects illegal contents on these websites, please let us know so that we can immediately remove the link and, if necessary, report the illegal contents.
5.- Exclusion of responsibility
AI-VIDEX shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused to the User or Visitor by a possible fall in the service due to causes beyond AI-VIDEX’ control, nor shall it be held responsible for problems arising from the lack of interactivity between users or visitors in these situations.
AI-VIDEX is exonerated from all liability derived from:
– Interruptions in the normal operation of the website due to force majeure, as well as causes not attributable to AI-VIDEX and which cause the web service to be totally or partially inoperative.
– Unauthorized use by third parties of the User name and password of our clients due to lack of diligence in their custody.
– The use of incorrect or false data by our customers, including errors that our customers may have made when registering and those arising from the non-updating of data by the customer.